Shaunna Mireau on Canadian Legal Research

Tips on Canadian legal research from the Library at Field LLP.
Postings are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the firm.

December 07, 2012

Update - Conduct Money

I heard from the Financial Accounting and Standards unit of Alberta Treasury Board & Finance about the Travel, Meal and Hospitality Expense Directive that I blogged about earlier this week. They are working on a common/public disclosure point for the directive and should have the directive available to the public by mid-December.

Thank you to the library and legal colleagues who echoed my request to make this important document publicly available. Thanks to the public servants who acted on our request!


December 04, 2012

Conduct Money

For years, as long as I can remember actually, the Alberta Rules of Court have referred to the
Public Service Subsistence, Travel and Moving Expenses Regulation for calculating the appropriate mileage reimbursement and costs for meals that are paid to witnesses as conduct money.

Don't bother clicking the link above, because this regulation no longer exists.

The Subsistence, Travel and Moving Expenses regulation was published on the Government of Alberta Corporate Human Resources website. Likely because it is frequently changed and 'only' applies to the Alberta public service, this regulation, like all regulations made under the Public Service Act, are exempt from publication in the Alberta Gazette.

The big 'however' is that the regulation in question is used by reference in the Alberta Rules of Court at Schedule B s.19 to calculate conduct money.

There is a new portion of the site that contains:
Relocation and Employment Expenses

Unfortunately, the mileage and meals allowed expenses amount is now only available to the Government of Alberta Employees visiting this site. Your Field Librarians will work on updating our links and seeking out an alternative source for this necessary information.

UPDATE: Corporate Human Resources will email you a copy of the directive on request to  I have written to ask that they make this document accessible to the public.

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