Shaunna Mireau on Canadian Legal Research

Tips on Canadian legal research from the Library at Field LLP.
Postings are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the firm.

May 06, 2011

Canadian Federal Legislation on LEGISinfo

I have referred to the Parliament of Canada's LEGISinfo site a few times here and it has also been discussed by Library Boy and at This valuable site has recently undergone a visual and usability transformation.

You can do some really cool things with the new tool, including checking up on your MP to see if they have sponsored any bills and what they were. Use the Refine menu on the right panel to narrow Check it our before you vote next time :-)

One particular new feature that I want to highlight for any lurking Fielders is the Legislation at a Glance tool. This allows a one page-ish overview of the status of evey bill before the Senate or House and hovering over the bill number gives you the title and a short status visual.

Well done App. Devs. at the Parliament of Canada.



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