Shaunna Mireau on Canadian Legal Research

Tips on Canadian legal research from the Library at Field LLP.
Postings are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the firm.

September 11, 2012

LawNow Magazine now available - for free!

LawNow lauched today as a completely free public legal education magazine. The LawNow website has been completely redesigned.

The inaugural issue under this new format is all about sex and taxes!
The latest issue of LawNow is available.

This issue is all about sex and taxes!

Our feature looks at the Canadian tax system and where to turn when you have a tax issue.

Our special report looks at where sex and the law meet: prostitution, sex tourism, gender identity.

Table of Contents

LawNow Magazine is a free digital magazine published six times per year by the Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta.

September 05, 2012

Reputation Management

There is an excellent post on reputation management by fellow Library Technician Brenda Wong where she blogs at Library technician dialogue.  Brenda's article is a part 1 and I will definitly follow the series.

One point she makes is well worth reposting:
Reputations can be damaged through an interaction of broken trust, questionable ethics, damaged integrity and circumstances. We see these factors tied together in business corruption cases. One develops trust through competence, benevolence and integrity. All are important factors for an honorable or good reputation. In a business environment trust exists across groups or hierarchies in an organization; potentially it can affect relationships with stakeholders, too.
 I highly recommend reading the whole post.